Time to Go Through Robert’s Rules (for living, not order)
- Do it, whatever it is, from a place of caring.
- Remember to have empathy; they’re going through something,
too (everyone is).
- When in doubt, ask a question
- Y (Why) is not just a letter of the alphabet. If you don’t know what to ask to understand better…Ask why
- Give more than you get. Leave a wake
- Everybody goofs up once in a while; own it.
- Before you act, ask yourself, “To what end?”
- Communicating weakness creates partnership strength.
- When they say they don’t need help, don’t assume they don’t want it.
- The message means more than the words.
- Sometimes, sharing the mistake is more potent than fixing it in silence.
- When all else fails, sing.
- Always look into their eyes. They’ll see your heart, which makes honest and authentic communication real and tangible.
- To live a full life, dare to be amazed. It’s a life worth living that feels everything and risks the edges. Real life doesn’t happen in the gray.
- When a challenge arises, ask yourself. Will it ruin my day, month, year, or life and prioritize appropriately?
- Think what you don’t know, but never say it.
- Check your ego at the door. If someone cares enough to correct you, cherish that caring and consider.
- Just like a carpenter measures twice, cuts once: always consider intentions twice, and then act once correctly.
- Don’t look in the mirror and think that you’re not as important. That people shouldn’t care about you more than they care about others. You are worthy of being a priority. You deserve to be loved first.
- Don’t pass on the opportunity just because it doesn’t seem convenient. “Buy the ticket and go”.
- If all you do is tell everyone that you don’t need what they have to give, they will never give anything. So allow them to give you what they have, support it, appreciate it, love them for it, and allow yourself to receive it.
- Knowing the more challenging thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same.
- We accept the reality of the world we are presented with unless we fight to change the world’s perception by changing our own.